BIPOC healthcare professional holding a mobile tablet talks with elderly blond patient

4 Benefits of MatrixCare Link for home health and hospice

After requests from our customers to help provide a better way of communicating securely between care teams, patients, physicians, and each other, we now offer MatrixCare Link. It’s a messaging tool that allows staff to engage patients and care teams via text or video chat on most devices — and it all integrates with MatrixCare, directly into the patient record.

Instead of relying on phone and fax, MatrixCare Link is an easier, real-time communication solution for everyone involved in the care journey.

Talk via text messaging

Message threads allow care teams, patients and family caregivers to communicate securely in real time. No more phone tag or spending time trying to reach the right clinician. With MatrixCare Link, care teams can directly engage those they serve — boosting productivity for staff and satisfaction for patients and their families.

Communicate face-to-face via video chat

Sometimes, a quick face-to-face chat can take the place of a visit for items that don’t require seeing patients in person. With MatrixCare Link’s video chat feature, your staff can get more quick and personable interactions in between visits to check in, answer questions, address concerns, or assess the severity of wounds. Some use cases for video chat include:

  • Triaging
  • Discussing whether or not to take on a referral
  • Teaching opportunities (medical devices, medication, wound care)
  • Resolving scheduling conflicts
  • Syncing up with a case manager
  • Telehealth

Share documents and forms

With documentation and forms features, MatrixCare Link users can customize forms that need to be completed by a patient, caregiver or physician. From admissions to discharge and everything in between, electronic forms can be sent, signed, completed, and returned in real time — and it automatically attaches to the patient’s chart. Whether you have 50 patients or thousands, this makes documentation more efficient, more timely, and easier to interact with on most devices.

Compare this process to chasing signatures using paper, then scanning that paper into your EHR. With MatrixCare Link, it’s a digital, streamlined process that helps eliminate the need for paper-based workflows.

Use it via mobile app or app-less

Patients and family caregivers can choose to interact via a mobile app or app-less through a secure link they can use on most devices. They can interact with care teams, receive forms, electronically sign documentation, access education materials on mobile and web application, or participate in a video chat.

With MatrixCare Link, everyone along the care journey has access to more interactive communication. Care teams no longer need to be face-to-face with patients to provide quality care. Instead, patients get engagement when they need it — and it all integrates into their patient chart in the EHR, ultimately connecting everything better to work toward the best care for the patient.

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Lon Stuckey

Lon is a Senior Product Manager of Interoperability at MatrixCare with Home Health and Hospice organization. He has been with MatrixCare since 2022 and has 20 plus years of experience in the industry working with a variety of products. Most of his time has been in the Post-Acute space working in many different capacities including leadership roles in Implementation, Project Management, Engineering as well as Product Management.

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