Clinical services
BHS’ full complement of clinical services allows for a coordinated team approach to person-centered care.Whether via in-person at your facility or telehealth, our professionals work with your staff to meet the needs of your residents. BHS believes that mental health is part of a holistic treatment approach knowing that mental and emotional well-being are crucial for physical well-being and healing.
Care Coordination upon resident admission is typically driven through the Social Worker. Alternative processes can be designed for your facility.
Based upon routine screening or referrals, assessments are performed by our therapy and psychiatry team.Custom care plans are developed which are implemented through enhanced virtual services. Virtual services allow the BHS team to support the facility in many ways including psychiatry on demand for emergencies, interdisciplinary care conferences and gradual dose reduction meetings.
Telehealth/Virtual visits
Telehealth technology has fundamentally changed the delivery health care – especially behavioral healthcare. Our providers are experienced at care delivery via telehealth and can respond quickly to acute needs via telehealth. While not all services are provided via telehealth or virtually, telehealth service expands the accessibility of our providers.
BHS provides telehealth equipment as needed in facilities. The BHS telehealth cart is not complicated andis easy to use. It also offers an open platform allowing your facility to connect with any specialist – not onlyBHS – any time of day.
Compliance, Quality measures, Outcomes
Being a trusted, valued partner is important to BHS.
Regulatory Compliance is foundational to BHS services and our team of professionals are trained to meetthe unique needs of the nursing home environment. Services provided by BHS support compliance withResident Assessment needs, Comprehensive Resident Centered Care Plans, Quality of Life, Quality of Care including Trauma-informed Care, Behavioral Health Services and Pharmacy Services.
Pre admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) – a federal requirement to help ensure that individuals are not inappropriately placed in nursing homes for long term care requires that Medicaid-certified nursing facilities:
- Evaluate all applicants for serious mental illness (SMI) and/or intellectual disability (ID)
- Offered all applicants the most appropriate setting for their needs (in the community, a nursing facility, oracute care settings)
- Provide all applicants the services they need in those settings.
BHS will help develop appropriate plan of care for all Level II clients and participate in routine screenings at the facility’s request.
Quality Measures on many levels, are directly impacted by the mental health of long- and short-stay residents. Use the BHS team of professionals to assist in positively impacting your facility QualityMeasures. Not just regarding antipsychotic medications, but more broadly functional improvement or decline, and pain are areas that mental health professionals can help manage.
Outcomes are measured in many different ways; but we are all seeking improved quality of life for our residents. BHS has tools to measure quantifiable outcomes to support value-based reimbursement models, clinically integrated networks and accountable care organizations. Our own EHR platform allows for structured and ad hoc data mining in support of quality monitoring and outcomes.